Do it yourself, or pay the man?

Friday, September 25, 2009 ·

There is so much to do and only so many hours in the day. You're building a business, probably while working full time at the job you're trying to escape, raising a family, juggling schedules, caring for aging parents, and having a quiet dinner out, at least once in a while, with your spouse, so you can remember why you're doing all of this anyway.

Some things you'll be really, really good at. Other things will be a struggle for you. Avoid the trap of trying to do it all yourself. Otherwise, you'll eventually run out of time and sanity.

Look for business partners with skills that compliment yours. If you don't like speaking in front of groups, keep your antennae out for someone who likes being up on stage. If you can't write, team up with someone who can. Are you super organized? Not everyone is. You can provide this skill to your partners, while they're up on stage or blogging.

Another option is to hire someone to help you. For a couple of years, I had a personal assistant. She picked up my mail and called catalog companies to get me off their mailing lists. She returned the videos (pre-Netflix). She bought batteries for my watches and kept the refrigerator stocked. She did my laundry and filled out the checks for me to sign for all of the bills I was supposed to keep track of. When I traveled for business, or pleasure, she kept all of these things going in the background, so I came home to a cleared desk, with no backlog.


Then I got laid off, and I couldn't afford to pay her any longer. But it taught me an important lesson: If someone else took care of the details that didn't interest me, I could focus on what I loved to do, working on my career.

When I started network marketing, things went along pretty good, but I was starting to get frazzled around the edges because there were too many things to do, and most of them I had to learn first. I was a scientist, with no experience in network marketing. I had to learn everything.

When I turned to social networking, I had to learn Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and blogging and and and. . . the list goes on as far as the eye can see.

I sent out a plea for help, and the perfect person said "I could do that for you!" And she could. She did. She still does. My business has grown fabulously since hiring her, because I can focus my attention on the parts that I've learned really well, and that I LOVE to do.

Self reliance is a wondrous thing. Overwhelm is the pits.

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