What's the right product for you?

Monday, September 21, 2009 ·

The very core of a successful network marketing business is a product that you believe in, something that people truly want or need. To be sustainable, the product has to be unique and consumable.

Unique means that people have to buy it through you. It can't be something that they can pick up at Long's or Safeway. It has to be something that piques their interest, something that they recognize is going to help them in a way that other things haven't helped them.

Consumable means that your customer uses it up and buys it again next month. If you're selling aluminum siding, then you're constantly looking for your next customer, because last week's customer isn't going to be buying another set next month.

The right product is in front of the trend. Take the wellness industry. People are disillusioned with our health-care industry and are becoming more and more interested in maintaining their health, improving their health, so they can stay out of the hospital, stay out of their doctor's office.

A great product is one that will benefit baby boomers. They're still the biggest consumers around, and if you catch their interest, you will have more customers than Colonel Sanders and Ronald McDonald combined.

Look around. Find something that wows you. I tried 4 different companies, no wait, 5 companies, before I found the one that makes my socks roll up and down.

Find yours, and you're half way there.


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