Communicate from your heart

Monday, September 7, 2009 ·

When you're getting ready to talk with a new prospect about your business, take a moment to energetically prepare yourself. Let yourself grow quiet. Connect with your higher self. Reach out to the person with your thoughts, with your heart.

All you know about the prospect may be a phone number. Maybe you know the city where she lives. Maybe you have a fancy program that tells you things about that part of the world, like current weather, local news. Maybe you only know what time of day it is there.

Just let you mind rest on the connection you're making with her.

If you don't know how to do this, pretend that you know how. It works just as well that way, too. Pretty soon, you'll know how to do it.

Ask yourself: Is what I have to offer a fit for what she needs?

Let your mind rest on that question for a moment.

Then call her, and ask her about herself. Take quick notes. Children? Corporate job? Laid off? What does she enjoy doing? What would be her perfect job? What qualities about her perfect job are her highlights, her favorite aspects? If she had all the time in the world, how would she spend it?

Sprinkle in information about yourself, too, so it doesn't start to feel like 20 questions. Ick. But always end your SHORT story about yourself by bringing the conversation back to her.

Where did she go to school? Does she like to work with her hands? Does she write much? Does she like floating around the internet?

Then, ask yourself what aspect of your business would appeal to her the most? Does she like talking with people? Does she like meeting friends for lunch? Does she use the internet all day long? Is she overwhelmed with her kids and can't imagine taking time to start a business?

Handle her objections. Connect with her truth, and link it up with your truth. Be honest, sincere, supportive, creative, empathetic, authentic, courageous, respectful, inspiring. Be a leader.

Then she'll be able to see what fantastic business partners the two of you can be.


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